The little town of Muskau

The permanent exhibition in the castle tower focuses on the birthplace of the famous park creator and traces the history of the town from its foundation in 1268 to the present day. Until the expropriation of the last lords of the manor, the Counts of Arnim, in July 1945, the development of Muskau, as the town was still called until 1961, was closely linked to the lordship of the manor. With the reorganization of the world after 1945 by the Allied victorious powers and the resulting division of the town, reconstruction took place in the newly founded GDR, which belonged to the socialist community of states. Another upheaval and new beginning is the new political turn in 1989.
Historical film footage, photos and exhibits, as well as audio stations, bear witness to the changes in urban development, industry, crafts, trade and club life, and create a vivid picture of the everyday life of Bad Muskau’s inhabitants.
The exhibition was created thanks to the initiative and work of the Freundeskreis Historica Bad Muskau association and other volunteers.